Saturday, November 14, 2009

Are you keeping up?

Are you all keeping a journal? I hope so. In the mean time here is a interview from the most popular right now Rihanna...

Rihanna reveals her diet and fitness secrets

In a recent interview, Rihanna revealed that she works hard to stay in shape. As she has previously stated, “carbs are the enemy” to her, but she says she gets weak if she goes three days without eating them.

You have an amazing figure. How do you stay in shape?
A lot of hard work and a lot of running on the treadmill. Cardio is the key. I have a personal trainer who travels with me if we have a big event coming up. I work out every day but I need a trainer to motivate me – I don’t find it much fun working out on my own.

What do you like about your body?
My bum, and I keep working at it as I want it to be perfect. It makes my clothes look good – and guys like it!

And what do you like least?
My legs. I’m insecure about them. Everyone wants to have slim, perfectly-toned legs and I’m the same. I do weights but I don’t want my legs to bulk up so I do a lot of cardio. I’ve lost a lot of weight since I started working out and if I exercise every day for a week, I can drop several pounds. If I diet, I see even faster results.

Do you have a strict diet?
Carbs are the enemy but if I go three days without them, I start getting weak. If my trainer had her way, I’d eat small meals every three hours, but I sometimes only eat once or twice a day. I have egg whites and pineapple for breakfast with hot water and lemon. For lunch I have fish and potatoes. I hate vegetables but I make myself eat them. For dinner I have fish again.

Does size matter?
Not at all. My size varies – sometimes I’m a (US) 2, sometimes 4 (UK 6 or – but what matters is being fit and healthy. Being slim makes me feel better about myself. It boosts my self-esteem, and having a toned body helps with my job because I wear a lot of skimpy costumes. My weight fluctuates, but I don’t weigh myself every day. I’m 5ft 8in and weigh around 9st 7lb.

This interview was provided by

J-fit says, make it a fit day <3...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Off the scene

So I know that I have left my fitbloggers hanging but I'm back. Challenge two is "Food Log". Write down everything that you eat for 14 days, that's two weeks. I mean everything. It might sound easy but it is not. And it does not count if you try to remember at the end of the day what you ate. WRITE AS YOU EAT!!!!!!! Love you all and stay healthy. Oh yea, don't forget to get in your fit day.