Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fit Day #4

Okay Everyone,

It's Fit day #4 and so far, as I can see, not many people are commenting about their workouts. I am getting comments about what fit seekers did and how they felt when I am in class, at work or over the phone. Let's try to transfer that information to the Blog, Jay Fit supporters. I am thrilled that you all are challenging yourselves but let's share those feelings with the rest of the world. My exercise today will consist of 45 minutes of running and 25 minutes of functional training (and a 10 minutes stretch). Remember... Eat well, exercise well, rest well...Be Well!

Until next time... Jay Fit*

p.s.- Don't forget about your cardio (30 day challenge)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fit Day #3

My People, My People,

Today was a great day for me. I hope the same for you. Fit Day #3... Good, bad, didn't get the chance to work out? Let me know...
Jay Fit's workout consisted of 30 minutes of cycling and 30 minutes of walking with one of my clients (I count that as bonus though). Eat well, exercise well, rest well... Be Well.

I'm here if you need me!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fit Day #2

Sooooooooo, today is the second day of the challenge and so far, only one person has posted a comment about their Fit day. Great job Londa and keep up the great work. For real people, let's get it going.... If you worked out for at least 30 minutes, please post. Any who, my workout (Jay Fit) consisted of speed jump rope for 30 minutes and functional strength training with resistance bands, my body weight and a few dumbbell exercises(about 25 additional minutes). Different modes of cardio are:
-Playing basketball
*Pretty much anything that increases the heart rate over a prolonged period of time...

I'm here if you need me. Remember to comment:-)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fit Day #1

Hello All,

This is the first day of the rest of your life. On this day, you will begin a journey of wellness. Jay Fit (Jian), is challenging you to engage in 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise for 30 days straight. To some, this may be easy, to others, difficult, but the goal of this challenge is to improve your existing fitness level. Let's Go All, enjoy and remember to blog your Fit Day...

Be Well

*Jay Fit*